date: 2024-06-06 15:53:08
tags: Fortran dynamic DLL LoadLibrary
Source code of DLL
subroutine test(a, n) implicit none !dec$ attributes dllexport::test integer::n integer::a(n) integer::i do i = 1, n a(i) = i*i end do end subroutine test
Source code of executable file
use iso_c_binding implicit none interface function LoadLibrary(name) bind(c, name='LoadLibraryA') import :: c_ptr, c_char character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: name(*) type(c_ptr) :: LoadLibrary end function LoadLibrary function GetProcAddress(hModule, lpProcName) bind(c, name='GetProcAddress') import :: c_ptr, c_char, c_funptr type(c_ptr), value :: hModule character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: lpProcName(*) type(c_funptr) :: GetProcAddress end function GetProcAddress subroutine FreeLibrary(hModule) bind(c, name='FreeLibrary') import :: c_ptr type(c_ptr), value :: hModule end subroutine FreeLibrary end interface interface subroutine test_interface(a,n) integer::n integer::a(n) end subroutine test_interface end interface integer, parameter::n = 5 integer::a(n) type(c_ptr) :: funcdll type(c_funptr) :: funcptr procedure(test_interface), pointer :: test => null() funcdll = LoadLibrary("./func.dll"//c_null_char) if (.not. C_ASSOCIATED(funcdll)) then print *, "Failed to load DLL." end if funcptr = GetProcAddress(funcdll, "TEST"//c_null_char) if (.not. C_ASSOCIATED(funcptr)) then print *, "Failed to load func." end if call c_f_procpointer(funcptr,test) call test(a,n) print *,a call FreeLibrary(funcdll) end
compile commands
generate func.dll
ifx /DLL /o func.dll func.f90
generate exe
ifx main.f90
console output
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